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on Jun 21st 2002, 08:43:37, Victor Shkrebtienko wrote the following about


Dear Ladies and Sirs,

Let us introduce you a Workshop of wooden toys.

The Workshop of wooden toys is producer and deliverer mainly of children wooden toys as well as of various objects made with the wood. Our location is in Moscow, Russia. All production as well as the manufacturing itself have a Hygienic Conclusion of the ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
You can see a Catalogue of our production if you visit our site in Internet as
follows: http://www.masterovoy.com, phone: (7-095) 369-48-49, E-mail: unicap@mail.ru.

If you are interested to collaborate we are at your disposal to discuss any questions.

We shall be glad to see you in between our partners.

Truly yours,

Victor Shkrebtienko,
The Director

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