Amount of texts to »Culture« 33, and there are 33 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 206 Characters
Average Rating 1.333 points, 11 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 11th 2000, 07:04:53 wrote
Dr. Know about Culture
Latest text on Sep 10th 2023, 08:59:02 wrote
Emma Example about Culture
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 11)

on Oct 18th 2000, 05:58:10 wrote
Bob Thomason about Culture

on Jun 5th 2008, 05:13:23 wrote
Heinz about Culture

on Sep 10th 2023, 08:59:02 wrote
Emma Example about Culture

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Culture«

suzan wrote on May 5th 2000, 12:04:29 about


Rating: 16 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

It is unfortunate to only learn about one's culture through text

the old pirate wrote on Mar 7th 2001, 03:32:46 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

When I read the seeming absence of cogent thought in so much contemporay poetry, I understand why culture also refers to a colony of brainless bacteria.

dian1313 wrote on Apr 11th 2000, 07:21:33 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Free hands that grasp and manipulate. Culture is god/dess becoming, from a group to a One. Culture is God/dess grabbing clay from the river, molding, singing a breath song into it and creating a story that will repeat itself to itself.

Dr. Know wrote on Apr 11th 2000, 07:04:53 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Culture, in anthropology, the patterns of behavior and thinking that people living in social groups learn, create, and share. Culture distinguishes one human group from others. It also distinguishes humans from other animals. A people's culture includes their beliefs, rules of behavior, language, rituals, art, technology, styles of dress, ways of producing and cooking food, religion, and political and economic systems.
Culture is the most important concept in anthropology (the study of all aspects of human life, past and present). Anthropologists commonly use the term culture to refer to a society or group in which many or all people live and think in the same ways. Likewise, any group of people who share a common cultureand in particular, common rules of behavior and a basic form of social organization—constitutes a society. Thus, the terms culture and society are somewhat interchangeable. However, while many animals live in societies, such as herds of elk or packs of wild dogs, only humans have culture.
Culture developed together with the evolution of the human species, Homo sapiens, and is closely related to human biology. The ability of people to have culture comes in large part from their physical features: having big, complex brains; an upright posture; free hands that can grasp and manipulate small objects; and a vocal tract that can produce and articulate a wide range of sounds. These distinctively human physical features began to develop in African ancestors of humans more than four million years ago. The earliest physical evidence of culture is crude stone tools produced in East Africa over two million years ago.

gray wrote on Oct 10th 2001, 22:22:55 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

If we don't worry about culture too much, let's just behave like robots. Sorry, I'm doing that already.

plag wrote on Feb 8th 2002, 02:03:49 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»One word balloon in From Hell completely hijacked my lifehe explains. »A character says something like, 'The one place gods inarguably exist is in the human mind'. After I wrote that, I realised I'd accidentally made a true statement, and now I'd have to rearrange my entire life around it. The only thing that seemed to really be appropriate was to become a magicianNot the »pick a card« type; more the »I converse with demons« type.

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 19th 2000, 05:28:44 by Lori, contains 20 texts

Created on Aug 29th 2001, 21:24:08 by Jim, contains 16 texts

Created on Jan 11th 2002, 05:50:48 by francis, contains 12 texts

Created on May 26th 2002, 04:49:04 by sheryndil, contains 1 texts

Created on Apr 24th 2000, 19:29:39 by Marco, contains 26 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on May 13th 2008, 18:03:42 by tullipan, contains 7 texts

Created on Feb 26th 2007, 01:08:55 by BlasterMaster, contains 10 texts

Created on Jan 19th 2018, 19:03:36 by ich atmete tief durch und, contains 6 texts

Created on Jun 1st 2000, 15:17:09 by Liamara, contains 15 texts

Created on May 9th 2006, 13:10:41 by Das Arschloch, contains 7 texts

Created on May 22nd 2023, 15:44:22 by schmidt, contains 2 texts

Created on Jul 15th 2007, 00:03:39 by Joo, contains 2 texts

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