Amount of texts to »psychedelic« 22, and there are 19 texts (86.36%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 51 Characters
Average Rating 0.227 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 18th 2000, 06:04:57 wrote
Russ about psychedelic
Latest text on Jun 28th 2005, 11:16:40 wrote
Arsenik about psychedelic
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 0)

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Psychedelic«

The Green Man wrote on Jun 2nd 2000, 01:28:18 about


Rating: 7 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»Was it always like this?« wondered the psychedelic Buddha, sitting on a sunflower, as the raindrops burst over his head.

cts wrote on May 16th 2000, 15:28:19 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

a pair of mirrorballs for eyes, a portal to the visual phantasmagoric

Meme wrote on Jul 26th 2002, 16:24:10 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Wow...that is, like just what I was thinking...did you hear something?

demitria monde thraam wrote on May 2nd 2000, 05:21:36 about


Rating: 2 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Reality: a result of severe psychedelic deficiency.

Some random keywords

Created on May 10th 2001, 20:19:06 by Loki, contains 12 texts

Created on Oct 19th 2004, 02:48:10 by BatterBob, contains 10 texts

Created on May 19th 2004, 08:03:13 by Reginald, contains 3 texts

Created on Jul 27th 2003, 02:45:00 by somebody, contains 5 texts

Created on May 16th 2000, 04:22:30 by bink, contains 26 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Nov 23rd 2001, 17:19:23 by Veela, contains 17 texts

Created on Nov 17th 2005, 01:11:14 by Bäääääh!, contains 7 texts

Created on May 14th 2007, 01:33:01 by Kah, contains 27 texts

Created on Feb 1st 2005, 19:07:23 by Höflich, contains 9 texts

Created on Jul 9th 2002, 21:47:15 by Aquamarin, contains 9 texts

Created on Nov 18th 2009, 22:35:02 by Baumhaus, contains 2 texts

Created on May 30th 2008, 03:46:27 by Christine, contains 4 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0164 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!