Amount of texts to »fecund« 8, and there are 8 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 139 Characters
Average Rating 0.875 points, 5 Not rated texts
First text on Oct 17th 2000, 06:47:27 wrote
filch about fecund
Latest text on Jan 30th 2005, 22:59:11 wrote
nick the click about fecund
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 5)

on Mar 4th 2002, 11:31:57 wrote
Bushmaster about fecund

on Nov 28th 2000, 11:50:31 wrote
whocares about fecund

on Mar 4th 2002, 11:33:25 wrote
Bushmaster about fecund

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Fecund«

filch wrote on Oct 17th 2000, 06:47:27 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

»Clearly even the most rigorous bout of coitus pales in comparison with the intimacy of fellatio, at least for the one giving it: nesting one's face in the musty, doughy pelt of your partner's loins; bringing the full force of your tongue, lips, teeth (indeed, your entire face) to bear on the swollen, supplicant shaft; coaxing the salty swell of seed-bearing spermatozoa burgeoning from deep within the vulnerable, fuzz-laced scrotum; and, finally, partaking in the ultimate exchange of bodily fluids. (For what could be more carnal and, well, in your face than swallowing sperm?) All this is far more complex than the simple act of coitus, where the key fits in the ignition and things more or less just happen. Fellatio is hard labor, in every sense of the word

- Annie Auguste

nick the click wrote on Jan 30th 2005, 22:59:11 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Among television series, the original >>Star Trek<< ranks among the most fecund, leading to multiple movies and television spinoffs.

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 24th 2000, 19:29:39 by Marco, contains 26 texts

Created on Apr 8th 2000, 04:22:06 by Ron, contains 24 texts

Created on Apr 18th 2000, 16:08:30 by steve, contains 19 texts

Created on Jul 29th 2004, 03:51:05 by Bart Starr, contains 18 texts

Created on Nov 17th 2003, 08:47:06 by rkcba, contains 5 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jun 30th 2000, 13:39:27 by lollipop, contains 54 texts

Created on Mar 1st 2009, 17:03:46 by Hambikutani, contains 155 texts

Created on Sep 30th 2002, 15:45:17 by Ugullugu, contains 12 texts

Created on Jun 22nd 2003, 23:26:45 by elfboi, contains 8 texts

Created on Nov 23rd 2007, 02:09:07 by Peter K., contains 4 texts

Created on Dec 11th 2015, 19:30:42 by Teddy, contains 3 texts

Created on Jun 28th 2000, 02:51:28 by pixlfuxa, contains 15 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0199 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!