Amount of texts to »feelings« 25, and there are 20 texts (80.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 164 Characters
Average Rating 2.400 points, 1 Not rated texts
First text on Apr 22nd 2000, 18:37:50 wrote
Josef about feelings
Latest text on Sep 26th 2006, 16:36:58 wrote
ultrafeel about feelings
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 1)

on Sep 8th 2003, 20:45:09 wrote
Brandon about feelings

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Feelings«

AlexHodapp wrote on Jul 18th 2000, 10:56:42 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I think that my feelings intensity meter is in need of calibration. My feelings for the important things (or what I percieve to be important things) often feel numb or disconnected. Meanwhile, my feelings toward the less important and almost trivial things that most people put no importance on whatsoever, I feel deeply affected by.

the old pirate wrote on Mar 16th 2001, 01:42:35 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Going from government office to government office, I got the feeling that I was bouncing back and forth like a ballbearing in a bathroom.

davichi wrote on Jul 15th 2001, 18:58:08 about


Rating: 14 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

thoughts may be controlled, feelings can not

Josef wrote on Apr 22nd 2000, 18:37:50 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Feelings... nothing more than feelings. But what else is there? Where do we draw the black line between emotion and logic? Isn't logic just a feeling at its heart? I wonder why we started to believe that feelings came from the heart, anyway. And impulsiveness came from the spleen, as we see in Shakespeare.

the old pirate wrote on Mar 16th 2001, 01:41:58 about


Rating: 13 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Going from government office to government office, I got the feeling that I was bouncing about like a ballbearing in a bathroom.

victoria locke wrote on Nov 25th 2000, 00:35:23 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

are impossible to define. In poetry, should be described with a scene, image or moment since »feelings« are abstract & subjective. Hate for me is not hate for you.

Some random keywords

Created on Aug 25th 2000, 19:42:46 by Plöperpengel&Gronkor, contains 19 texts

Created on Mar 2nd 2003, 05:39:27 by elfboi, contains 4 texts

Created on Mar 2nd 2002, 15:09:21 by voiceover, contains 7 texts

Created on May 16th 2002, 14:36:46 by Jakob the dark Hobbit, contains 15 texts

Created on Nov 7th 2000, 18:40:28 by Neil, contains 5 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Apr 30th 2022, 15:25:18 by Joshua, contains 25 texts

Created on Dec 26th 2002, 23:35:53 by Phantastische Nacht, contains 19 texts

Created on Oct 17th 2002, 11:58:31 by Ugullugu, contains 8 texts

Created on Oct 12th 2001, 14:13:43 by, contains 30 texts

Created on Jun 9th 2002, 20:36:14 by TannyTan, contains 13 texts

Created on Aug 8th 2020, 17:05:02 by Christine, contains 2 texts

Created on Apr 1st 2002, 02:35:30 by Dortessa, contains 15 texts

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