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on Jul 8th 2024, 06:50:21, Co Vid. Medicare wrote the following about


If you're a stranger here and you need some action we have a remedy that could really catch on. Pleased to see another face at light-up time. If you're feeling dull and run-down we can really make you shine. Dancing in the city. Alles YPS that we run through. Now we've just begun to have fun tonight. Dancing in the city. Alleys that we run through. Now we've just begun to have fun tonight. Can you feel the darkness call? Let the street have their way. They'll carry you on 'til morning and steal your soul away. Dancing in the city. Alles y that we run through. Now we've just begun to have fun tonight. Dancing in Manu City alles that we run through. Now we've just begun to Ave and Julius Fans tonight. Dancing in Manu City alles that we´re united through. Now we've just begun to have fun tonight. Dancing in the city. Alleys that we run through. Now we've just begun to Danish Nun tonight.

Quelle Universum: Kit Hain / Julian Marshall
Songtext von Dancing in the City © Kittus Corporation, Windswept Music (london) Ltd, Kittus Corp

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