Amount of texts to »Belibaste« 5, and there are 5 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 246 Characters
Average Rating 0.200 points, 4 Not rated texts
First text on Dec 25th 2000, 23:36:33 wrote
afrogbleu about Belibaste
Latest text on Jul 1st 2004, 00:17:11 wrote
don device' about Belibaste
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 4)

on Dec 28th 2000, 22:09:53 wrote
afrogbleu about Belibaste

on Jul 1st 2004, 00:17:11 wrote
don device' about Belibaste

on Dec 9th 2003, 19:17:15 wrote
ernie about Belibaste

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Belibaste«

afrogbleu wrote on Dec 25th 2000, 23:36:33 about


Rating: 1 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Guillame Belibaste was the last of the Cathar »Perfects« to be apprehended by the Holy Crusade of Pope Gregory IX. He was burned at the stake all the while attempting to convert the onlookers to the Cathar religion, and, with his demise, the bloodthirsty Dominican Order became the entrenched version of the Catholic religion, until along came Ignatius Loyola around 1495 AD, who established the Order of Jesus (Jesuits) who then took over running the world. Has anyone ever apologized for the excesses these bloodthirsty bastards perpetrated, or should we be glad they decimated the population as much as they did otherwise we wouldn't have any room to sit on this planet today? (A modest suggestion)

Some random keywords

Created on Jun 12th 2000, 12:12:19 by someone sensible, contains 25 texts

Created on Jan 23rd 2004, 15:56:33 by toxxxique, contains 4 texts

Created on Dec 31st 2000, 18:54:53 by Silberfinger, contains 58 texts

Created on Aug 25th 2000, 19:42:46 by Plöperpengel&Gronkor, contains 19 texts

Created on Mar 6th 2001, 06:07:47 by the old pirate, contains 12 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on May 8th 2001, 11:55:48 by Bettina Beispiel-Clövinghausen, contains 14 texts

Created on Sep 5th 2003, 00:27:25 by toschibar, contains 8 texts

Created on Mar 20th 2002, 15:09:14 by Kermit, contains 21 texts

Created on Jul 22nd 2008, 15:16:19 by orschel, contains 13 texts

Created on Jun 17th 2003, 21:31:29 by crisscross, contains 9 texts

Created on Dec 26th 2002, 23:35:53 by Phantastische Nacht, contains 19 texts

Created on Jun 9th 2002, 20:36:14 by TannyTan, contains 13 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0171 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!