Amount of texts to »philosopher« 10, and there are 10 texts (100.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 129 Characters
Average Rating 3.300 points, 2 Not rated texts
First text on Dec 19th 2000, 13:54:05 wrote
Nienor about philosopher
Latest text on Sep 20th 2004, 06:45:03 wrote
heinz spall about philosopher
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 2)

on Dec 11th 2001, 15:54:10 wrote
juka about philosopher

on Mar 30th 2002, 21:13:10 wrote
stef about philosopher

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Philosopher«

rimmer wrote on Apr 23rd 2001, 20:45:43 about


Rating: 11 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

I went to the philosopher's yesterday, but he'd completely run out of paradigms.

Nienor wrote on Dec 19th 2000, 13:54:05 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

A philosopher is a person who loves wisdom. That is the translation from the Greek language. Philosopher search for wisdom, but that does not meen that they are really wise.

The most popular philosopher I know is Socrates, who said that he knows that he does not know.

cccccccc wrote on May 13th 2001, 05:18:05 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

i know a man that throws around words like pragmatic or empirical to label just about anything.. i hate him

its bothered me so much that i would break open my philosophy books and study his terminology long after our converstaions had finished..just to proove him wrong in my own mind

now i avoid him

Some random keywords

Created on Apr 22nd 2000, 18:06:51 by Josef, contains 28 texts

Created on Oct 22nd 2001, 01:20:37 by beni, contains 7 texts

Created on Jan 28th 2004, 08:25:58 by Emeril Lagasse, contains 10 texts

Created on Mar 3rd 2004, 16:56:56 by Stimey, contains 4 texts

Created on Mar 3rd 2007, 16:37:19 by lilly vellisilly, contains 14 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Oct 14th 2005, 08:30:34 by ARD-Ratgeber, contains 27 texts

Created on Aug 10th 2002, 22:36:45 by Erbeobachtung an Mutterschiff, contains 6 texts

Created on Jan 16th 2005, 18:27:36 by Blume zu Saaron, contains 4 texts

Created on Nov 14th 2002, 21:34:03 by elfboi, contains 810 texts

Created on Jan 10th 2001, 05:04:51 by Nils, contains 13 texts

Created on Jun 14th 2004, 00:29:59 by mcnep, contains 24 texts

Created on Mar 4th 2020, 08:49:45 by PI der PIpimann, contains 3 texts

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