Amount of texts to »synthesis« 6, and there are 5 texts (83.33%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 311 Characters
Average Rating 0.500 points, 0 Not rated texts
First text on Aug 31st 2001, 23:47:36 wrote
syllabot about synthesis
Latest text on Apr 2nd 2007, 21:52:10 wrote
josh about synthesis
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Texts to »Synthesis«

Samil Kursad Bozkurt wrote on Dec 4th 2004, 14:11:01 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Synthesis is commonly understood to be an integration of two or more pre-existing elements which results in a new creation. The term is broad in meaning and can apply to physical, ideological, and/or phenomenological entities. In dialectics, synthesis is the final result of attempts to reconcile the inherent contradiction between thesis and antithesis. Along with the similar concept of integration, synthesis is generally considered to be an important element of modern philosophy, particularly in the various emerging ideas often considered to be 'holistic' (as opposed to 'reductionistic').

In chemistry, chemical synthesis is the process of forming a particular molecule from chemical precursors.

In electronic musical instruments, sound synthesis is the method of sound generation a piece of hardware or software may employ, E.g. »My lovely Access Virus B mainly uses subtractive synthesis but it's got a bit of FM synthesis too.«

In the world of Electronic Design Automation, synthesis refers to the process of converting a digital design written in a Hardware Description Language (HDL) into a low-level implementation consisting of primitive logic gates. Most large intrgrated circuits designed today are written in an HDL and »compiled« using a synthesis product. The first (and still most popular) synthesis tool was written by Synopsys.

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Created on Sep 1st 2001, 00:00:05 by syllabot, contains 8 texts

Created on Mar 15th 2002, 04:55:00 by Francis, contains 4 texts

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Some random keywords in the german Blaster

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Created on Apr 20th 2002, 18:55:18 by neo fausuto\PIA, contains 7 texts

Created on Jul 17th 2021, 18:40:24 by Jüngling, contains 5 texts

Created on Jun 1st 2012, 16:01:09 by heute, contains 3 texts

Created on Mar 20th 2007, 21:13:36 by m. h'heimer, contains 8 texts

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