Amount of texts to »who« 32, and there are 29 texts (90.62%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 91 Characters
Average Rating 3.625 points, 5 Not rated texts
First text on Feb 26th 2001, 23:33:23 wrote
ETree about who
Latest text on Nov 11th 2012, 07:24:46 wrote
bullxead about who
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 5)

on Mar 28th 2002, 23:26:15 wrote
Light Angle about who

on Feb 12th 2004, 20:05:49 wrote
gonzalez about who

on Nov 3rd 2004, 00:57:42 wrote
dan about who

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Who«

ETree wrote on Feb 26th 2001, 23:33:23 about


Rating: 22 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

'Who' is the relative and interrogative pronoun used to refer to a person or persons.

Eta ~ is the imaginary traveller who visited Erewhon.

Who ate the fruit of the boor-geresy for breakfast? Eta ~ did.


Who is also an anagram of how.


And then there was the television show, Dr. Who.

Who played Dr. Who?

William Hartnell was the first Doctor. It was Patrick Troughton who played the second. The third Dr. Who was Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker was the fourth actor who portrayed Dr. Who. The fifth and the sixth Doctors were Peter Davison and Colin Baker. The last one to play Dr. Who in the British tv series was Sylvester McCoy. I don't remember who played Dr. Who in the movies.

Ankur wrote on Dec 15th 2006, 10:38:34 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

The Who are one of the greatest Rock and Roll bands ever !

the old pirate wrote on Mar 7th 2001, 21:55:23 about


Rating: 16 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Test your memory: Who killed Cock Robin?

whatevernext96 wrote on Dec 18th 2001, 20:46:39 about


Rating: 12 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Who, what, why – Is that the Holy Trinity? Who may know why, but what should I know about it....

darwin wrote on Mar 15th 2006, 21:37:02 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

who do you think you are?

whatevernext96 wrote on Sep 14th 2001, 18:20:47 about


Rating: 5 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Who killed Cock Robin? Why, I do believe it was that dratted sparrow, with his out-dated bow and arrow. But either he merely knocked the robin out or God forgave him the crime – for aren't we told that »not a sparrow falls but that your Heavenly Father...« Mind you, even God might have a problem finding the once common house sparrows in big cities like this one.

cold dust wrote on Mar 29th 2002, 14:03:00 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

Who, who, who, who,
Who let the dogs out?

Some random keywords

Created on Dec 31st 2000, 19:44:05 by Silberfinger, contains 12 texts

Created on May 8th 2000, 12:52:07 by xray, contains 13 texts

Created on Feb 11th 2002, 21:28:45 by BlackSoul, contains 10 texts

Created on Dec 29th 2004, 05:05:16 by ipso ergo, contains 2 texts

Created on Mar 15th 2002, 04:55:00 by Francis, contains 4 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jan 9th 2003, 11:51:41 by pars, contains 13 texts

Created on May 9th 2003, 18:35:07 by Raze, contains 16 texts

Created on May 6th 2005, 23:53:51 by Duracell, contains 4 texts

Created on Dec 17th 2024, 13:00:14 by Arbeitskreis Tortur, contains 1 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0218 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!