Amount of texts to »one« 49, and there are 44 texts (89.80%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 81 Characters
Average Rating 3.041 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on Jul 12th 2001, 19:45:07 wrote
quotidian about one
Latest text on Oct 16th 2018, 23:16:22 wrote
BobinBoston about one
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on Sep 3rd 2002, 22:30:48 wrote
Emma Example about one

on Jul 5th 2006, 16:50:57 wrote
Emma Example about one

on Sep 3rd 2002, 22:30:29 wrote
Emma Example about one

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »One«

1886! wrote on Jul 12th 2001, 22:22:48 about


Rating: 32 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

IF I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

~~~Emily Dickinson (1830–86)

Prolet wrote on Feb 23rd 2006, 20:16:19 about


Rating: 10 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

One wrong word and it could be all over.
So keep control over your tongue.

quotidian wrote on Jul 12th 2001, 19:45:07 about


Rating: 27 point(s) | Read and rate text individually


I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.


 – Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909)
 – For the Lend-a-Hand Society

ETree wrote on Jul 13th 2001, 00:16:31 about


Rating: 24 point(s) | Read and rate text individually


all one




a lone

a [l]one

a one

a one alone

one alone

a lone one


BobinBoston wrote on Oct 16th 2018, 23:16:22 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

And it's one to nothing, Boston leading in the top of the first.

Alan Bennett wrote on Apr 22nd 2003, 22:29:42 about


Rating: 6 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

When the one is determined all other values are determined simultaneously.

Seamus MacNemi wrote on Jun 14th 2002, 18:02:12 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

If you don't have one you can always get one from somebody else. Or you could try making one but that might take a bit of doing. You'd have to take two and split it which is something they've only learned to do within the last fifty years or so.

Alan Bennett wrote on Apr 22nd 2003, 22:36:26 about


Rating: 3 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

One is the geometric midpoint between zero and infinity. One times infinity is infinity and one divided by infinity is zero.

Some random keywords

Created on Sep 6th 2002, 13:56:42 by mark1, contains 9 texts

Created on Apr 16th 2001, 09:37:14 by gladiola marie, contains 10 texts

Created on May 18th 2004, 15:57:22 by The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens, contains 3 texts

Created on May 1st 2004, 08:26:37 by A.E., contains 2 texts

Created on Apr 12th 2000, 17:13:07 by Ruby Kyro, contains 38 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Mar 28th 2005, 21:25:00 by Arlene Machiavelli, contains 7 texts

Created on Dec 18th 2005, 15:03:59 by Bettina Beispiel, contains 9 texts

Created on Jul 16th 2000, 00:39:56 by Gronkor&Plöperpengel&realstev&Rönnewesen, contains 28 texts

Created on Jul 23rd 2018, 03:15:05 by Christine, contains 1 texts

Created on Sep 19th 2022, 17:47:25 by Yadgar, contains 8 texts

The Assoziations-Blaster is a project by Assoziations-Blaster-Team | Deutsche Statistik | 0.0247 Sec. Ugly smelling email spammers: eat this!