Amount of texts to »crotch« 10, and there are 9 texts (90.00%) with a rating above the adjusted level (-3)
Average lenght of texts 169 Characters
Average Rating 2.900 points, 3 Not rated texts
First text on Oct 31st 2000, 21:59:33 wrote
michelangelo about crotch
Latest text on Jun 1st 2008, 09:52:14 wrote
karl keule about crotch
Some texts that have not been rated at all
(overall: 3)

on Sep 1st 2001, 12:31:35 wrote
nour about crotch

on Jun 10th 2005, 16:59:44 wrote
quart about crotch

on Jan 12th 2002, 21:01:32 wrote
Dick Simon about crotch

Random associativity, rated above-average positively

Texts to »Crotch«

jora_a wrote on Apr 11th 2001, 06:11:06 about


Rating: 35 point(s) | Read and rate text individually

When I was nine, my mother decided that we should give up the hippie lifestyle. We moved to the farm to live with Great-Aunt Mabel and Uncle Roger. After all our moving around, I found it hard living in a regular house. They kept finding me in the barn sleeping in a pile of hay.

Then Uncle Roger built me a treehouse in the crotch of the big oak tree in the side yard. It wasn't much more than some two-by-fours for a floor and a roof. There weren't any walls, just the supports for the roof, but I had a proper door with a doorknob that Uncle Roger spent a whole afternoon bringing down from the attic and hauling up to my treehouse with a rope and pulley. He put that right in the middle of the treehouse so I could pretend I had two separate rooms, or even a street outside my door.

The oak tree was close enough to the house that my mother and Aunt Mabel could look out their bedroom windows at night and see me in the hammock strung between two branches.

I slept much better in my treehouse than in my room. I spent most nights there the first summer we were at the farm. When winter came and the snow was two feet deep, I usually slept inside.

But I always knew that my treehouse was there.

Some random keywords

Created on Aug 13th 2004, 12:13:20 by frais, contains 15 texts

Created on Jul 29th 2000, 14:57:56 by Chemnitzer Rübezahl, contains 18 texts

Created on Mar 13th 2003, 05:51:39 by Daniel Arnold, contains 11 texts

Created on May 4th 2000, 21:36:38 by hebjo, contains 13 texts

Created on Jan 1st 2005, 00:02:26 by matthew, contains 2 texts

Some random keywords in the german Blaster

Created on Jun 5th 2007, 21:02:18 by Eisn Warn Kenobi, contains 3 texts

Created on Jun 14th 2002, 01:29:54 by InQbuZ, contains 12 texts

Created on Feb 8th 2002, 23:10:08 by, contains 12 texts

Created on Feb 17th 2002, 17:25:38 by Das Gift, contains 146 texts

Created on Dec 31st 2001, 02:12:54 by Gaddhafi, contains 35 texts

Created on Dec 10th 2004, 16:38:09 by dirty_kleinkind, contains 4 texts

Created on Jun 17th 2011, 21:06:32 by Rumpelrüdi, contains 6 texts

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