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on Feb 23rd 2003, 16:09:51 wrote hermann
about Christian |
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on Apr 2nd 2003, 16:11:14 wrote Warlord X
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Texts to »Christian«
hermann wrote on Feb 23rd 2003, 16:49:24 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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In the present age of overwhelmingly rapid scientific advances and increasing economic and social affluence, there exist certain needs which have been around since the beginning of the human race – needs such as a sense of ultimate purpose, love and security, lasting inner satisfaction and peace. External stimuli, such as drugs, money, material possession or recognition of others, may supply temporary satisfaction of these desires. But lasting satisfaction (a contentment and sense of meaning that remains even if the eternal circumstances are stripped away), must come from within.
Jesus said, »I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall not hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.«(John 6:35) When Jesus enters our lives, He makes us complete persons, not dependent upon temporary stimuli for our fulfillment. When He enters into us, He brings a sense of ultimate purpose, a reason for being, and satisfies our deepest longings and needs for true, lasting love and security.
Jesus also promises to give direction in whatever situation we find ourselves. (John 14:26) The infinite God who created the universe is certainly creative and wise enough to deal with our current needs. Jesus made a profound statement on the relevancy and authority of His Word when He claimed, »Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away.«(Mark 13:31) He also claimed in Hebrews 13:5, »I will never leave you or forsake you.«
Will you come to Jesus now, admitting you are empty-handed, to get your deepest needs met? Please ask Him to come into your life today. Begin this wonderful relationship and adventure with the living God now. Do not put it off. You have no idea what may happen to you tomorrow. You could die tonight, head into a Christ-less eternity in hell, and be forever separated from God and His goodness. Do you really want that?
hermann wrote on Feb 23rd 2003, 16:48:22 about
Rating: 2 point(s) |
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A charge frequently leveled against the Bible is that Christians argue in circles. The charge goes that Christians claim the Bible as the inspired Word of God and, as proof, quote a passage from the Bible that says so.
This type of argumentation is known as ‘begging the question’, or circular reasoning. It is based on assuming something to be true, using that assumption as fact to prove another assumption and using the »proved« assumption to prove your original assumption!
Some Christians (and many non-Christians) do argue in circles, but about the Bible they certainly do not need to. Instead of assuming the Bible is the Word of God, we can begin by demonstrating that the Scriptures are reliable and trustworthy historical documents. This is confirmed by applying the ordinary test of historical criticism to the Scriptures.
After establishing that the Bible is a valid historical record, the next point is realizing that Jesus Christ claims to be the unique Son of God and that He bases this claim on His forthcoming resurrection from the dead.
Next, we examine the evidence for the resurrection contained in this historic document and find that the arguments overwhelmingly support the contention that Christ has risen from the dead. If this is true, then He is the unique Son of God as He claimed to be. If He is indeed God, then He speaks with authority on all matters.
Jesus considered the Old Testament to be the Word of God (Matthew 15:1-4; 5:17-18). Furthermore, He promised His disciples, who either wrote or had control over the writing of the New Testament books, that the Holy Spirit would bring all things back to their remembrance (John 14:26). Therefore, we can insist, with sound and accurate logic, that the Bible is God’s Word.
This is not circular reasoning. It is establishing certain facts and basing conclusions on the sound, logical outcome of these facts. The case for Christianity can be established by ordinary means of historical investigation.
On the other hand, if faced with such evidence you continue to create reasons not to believe, are you guilty of your own circular reasoning? This begins with an attitude, »The Bible cannot be true!« Then, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, one develops reasons not to believe. Are you being intellectually dishonest with yourself and others? Further, what fear is motivating you to turn from facing the truth about Christ? What do you fear giving up?
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