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Utility Release: Nosefart for Unix v1.92h-mls
23:57: Matthew Strait has updated the Unix port of Nosefart, a popular NSF player for NES soundtracks! What's new:

Time calculation (for Linux command line) now is done by a child process which communicates the answer back through shared memory. (If this doesn't work, it falls back on the old behavior.) This prevents a long wait before
the music starts.
Added options to disable channels from the start (-1, -2, etc).
Added output of progress (i.e. »4/94 seconds, 207/5589 frames«)
Grab it from the NSF Utilities page!
Emulator Release: GoBoy v1.3
23:49: A new version of GoBoy was recently released by WildPalm software. This is a GameBoy/Color emulator for the Nokia 7650/3650 series of phones. The free version is crippleware (features like sound and zip support are not enabled), but you can upgrade to the full version for 10 USD. Here's what's new:

Improved speed
Full sound support (Registered version only)
Full definable keys
Run games directly from Memory Card
Save ROM files opened from Inbox or ZipMan
Send ROM files to your friends (Registered version only)
Run games directly from .zip files
Get it from the GameBoy Emulators for Digital Phones page!
Emulator Release: VirtuaNES v0.85b
23:39: Another bug fix version of VirtuaNES was released today. This makes three updates in the last couple days for this NES emulator for Windows. Changes from yesterday:

Corrected Mapper 20(FDS)
Corrected a sound effect that didn't play in Sangokushi 2 (KOEI version)
Get it from the Nintendo Emulators page
Emulator Release: FlareStorm 2.0 for the Mac – English
19:33: The recently updated FlareStorm 2.0, a PSX emulator for Mac OS X only has been given a slight upgrade with the recent release of the English version. Nothing new from the Japanese release a few days ago, but obviously non-Japanese speaking people will be able to use it without bumping into walls. Compatibility for this release is lower than the previous 1.x versions, but the core is much more stable and the emulator no longer requires the PSX BIOS to run.

You can download this emulator from our Playstation Emulators for the Mac page.

Frontend News: QuickPlay v3.5 Update
8:47: QuickPlay is a fantastic universal frontend for Windows. It has been updated recently to v3.5. QuickPlay 3.5 came with an incorrect EmuFinder Data file, the SNES data file had ZSNES and SNES9X incorrectly marked down as NOT supporting commandlines. The new file can be downloaded as well (efind.zip). Here's what's new with v3.5:

Ability to scan inside a zip file. Now you can put all your ROMs inside one big zip file and QuickPlay will scan inside the archive and store all the ROMs
A new 'Getting Started' wizard
New ROM and emulator properties to allow support for even more emulators
Each folder can now have its own »visible column« settings
Added new emulator icons, and made any custom folder icons slightly larger so they are more clear
File Paths transfer wizard. If you move your ROMs on your hard drive you can update QPs data files without rescanning your ROMs using this wizard
Now compiled in Delphi 7PE

Made a few improvements to the Multi-Dir scanner. Now there is the option to set an emulator to a folder AND all its subfolders
Made changes to the minimize/restore code, hopefully this will eliminate the remaining problems
Fixed situation where if you enabled »MAME Real Game Icons« and set an invalid path no icons would appear – now the default »chip« returns
Fixed bug where if you selected multiple ROMs and went to ROM properties – and saved your changes, the wrong ROMs would be changed
Fixed bug where if you right click on VTdir on no nodes causes an exception
Fixed Crash when using MAME scan 'All Directories'
When using ROM properties form in 'multiple ROMs' mode, 'blank' settings erased any custom data. Now it doesn't.
Rewrite the Find dialog – should eliminate problems running certain ROMs
Updated support for both 'versions' of the catver.ini file. Although both versions have always worked, there were bugs in this support. These have now been fixed and both versions are now fully supported (and interchangeable!)
Get it at the Universal Frontends section!

Thanks to John for the news
Site News: Massive Archives Update!
8:03: And here it is, the backlog of all ZD Archives submissions I've received over the last few weeks of my absence. I apologize for the delay, but all is well now. The following 14(!) archives have new and/or updated files:

GameBoy Advance CLT Archive
3 New Cheats
Boktai: The Sun Is in Your Hand (U)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Shinyaku Seiken Densetsu (J)

GameBoy Advance SAV Archive
4 New Savestates
Denki Blocks
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Genecyst PAT Archive
1 New Cheat
Castlevania Bloodlines

Genecyst GS0 Archive
1 New Savestate
Streets of Rage 3

Genesis GYM Archive
2 New Soundtracks
Street Fighter 2: Special Championship Edition

FCE Ultra FC0 Archive
3 New Savestates
Akumajou Dracula: Demon Castle Dracula

FCE Ultra CHT Archive
4 New Cheats
Battle of Olympus (U)
Battle Tank (U)
Beetlejuice (U)
Friday the 13th (U)

NESticle STA Archive
1 New Savestate
Die Hard

Sega VGM Archive
3 New Soundtracks
Castlevania Bloodlines
Final Zone
Zan: Yaksa Enbukyoku

Super Nintendo SPC Archive
7 New Soundtracks
Double Dragon 5: The Shadow Falls
Godzilla- Kajuu Dai Kessen
Lock On
Rise of the Robots
Shin Megami Tensei
SNES Trainer Charts (June '94)
Terminator 2: The Arcade Game

Super Nintendo SRM Archive
1 New Savestate
Final Fantasy 4

6 New Cheats
Jim Power
The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
Megaman X2
Radical Dreamers (J)
Street Fighter 2 Turbo

5 New Movies
Gundam Wing: Endless Duel
Killer Instinct
Megaman X
Megaman X3
Super Robot Wars 3

4 New Savestates
Live A Live
Parodius 3
Thanks for everyone's patience! And a big thanks to sugarhillfan100, Joseph D. Collins, Marvel Miraculous, G.U., Rey, rune, DaPete10, Z-Man, Angry Helder, Tommy Lee Hou Yin, Jason D. Lovelady, ugetab, BradyMan, Mondi, Zyrthofar, Grass-eatin'me, SoontirFel, Der Gummimann, radical dreamer, Hiryuu, Kidd, Some Insomniac, mETROID, Neol, Joylock, and Staudt for the submissions this time!

Do you have something to add? If so, email it to me
Emulator Release: ZX-Emul v0.23b
4:49: ZX-Emul is a great Spectrum ZX emulator for Windows by Lion17 . Here's what's new:

New: UDI disk image format support (reading only)
New: TZX Reader: Support big Turbo Blocks (Back to School)
New: Debugger: Ability to view screen without attributes
Bugfix: Z80: CALL commands (Batman: The Movie loader hang up)
Bugfix: TZX Reader: Block pause level (Basil not loading)
Download it at the Sinclair Spectrum Emulators section
Emulator Release: YAPE v0.52
4:15: A new version of YAPE, a Commodore 16/plus 4 emulator sees a new release. New in this version:

G64 image support
Export bitmaps to P4Shop graphic editor format
TED sound is now 16bit
High pass filter on SID sound
SID setup recalls the last selected option
Sound streaming engine rewritten (no more crackling)

1551/IEC fake drive emulation mode bug found (Club-Infos load again)
No more occasional lockups on invalid TV signals
Serial bus update bug fixed (almost all known 1541 turbos work now!
Cycle exact cursor blink counter
Improved DMA (no more glitches in Legionnaire, Xcellor 8 and Thrust at last)
TAP save dialog bug fixed (again...)
Various speed optimizations
Grab it from the Commodore 16 Emulators page
Utility Release: reVamp v1.0
2:58: ReVamp is a new Castlevania III level editor by rouki of Dragon Eye Studios. Here's a brief description and feature list:

reVamp is a level editor for Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, known in Japan as Akumajou Densetsu. Coded in VB6, this utility reads all data from the ROM and supports both the US and Japanese versions. In this first official release, it features:

- Level editing for all stages
- TSA editing
- A basic tile editor
- BG and sprite palette editing
- Power-up and enemy editing
- Stairs, doors, starting point editing
- BGM track selection
- Character toughness, vertical scrolling modes, and more
Get it from the Facelift Utilities page!

Thanks to Vagla for the news

Site News: New Links Maintainer
1:56: Hello. I am Pipes. I have been into emulation for about 6 years now. I have seen sites go through major changes, come and go, and move. As most of you know the links page has been outdated for sometime now and needs an update. But this can't be done without you. I will be taking care of the links page so if you have a web page, or know a page that should be in one of the categories, email me. Till then, I plan to get rid of all those broken links.


Utility Release: SMILE v0.01
23:18: A new utility called SMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) by Jathys made its release recently. Obviously, this is a level editor for the SNES game Super Metroid. It's in relatively early stages and except a new release soon. Here's a note from the author, as well as the features:

SMILE (Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor) has finally been released. It's not as far along as any of us would like it to be, I'm sure, but it will now be getting updated on a very regular basis (say, once a week).

Current Features:
-Alternate state support
-Layer 1 editing (ie- landscape)
-Layer 2 editing (ie- scenery in background)
-Some general room properties can be changed
-Partial enemy editor
-Partial scroll editing
-Export level as bitmap

Currently, SMILE is not intented to do any hardcore hacking. Back up your ROM. If you find errors or have suggestions, let me know.
Snag it at the Facelift Utilities page!

Site News: A Note on PSF Archive
13:51: I've received quite a few emails about some PSF soundtracks being too large. I was hoping that everyone would see the very large disclaimer I have put on top of the page, but I guess that wasn't enough. I have no clue why. I'll say it here: Files over 12 MB are not available at this time due to bandwidth strain. I'm trying to resolve this, but everything else under 12 MB is available here at Zophar's Domain. If you want those files over 12 MB, you can download them at other PSF mirrors including CaitSith2's PSF Mirror or Lawrence Lin's PSF Mirror. No more emails about this issue please.

Playstation PSF Archive

Emulator Release: VirtuaNES v0.85a
13:47: VirtuaNES is a Nintendo emulator for Windows. Official language is in Japanese, but an English version is released as well. Two versions were released back to back, v0.85 and v0.85a (a bugfix version) Here's the latest on both, starting with the most recent:

Corrects an indication of FPS
Corrects screen simulation of Mother
Corrects a bug of version information DIALOG

Because a mail address wasn't usable, the mail address was changed by a virus :(
A language plugin is changed. Please pay attention
Added file name representation in an emulation to a window title bar
Added starting and an option starting a launcher simultaneously
Added a quick load/save
Added a palette edit function
Added a bank changing function to a turbo file
Added various graphics filter functions (requires MMX): 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI, Super Eagle, Scale 2x is usable
Added the option that does sleep of an option of »sync drawing« in activity to graphic setting DIALOG
Added the option that resolution except 4:3 can choose in a full screen
Added VS-Unisystem
Added automatic distinction of NTSC/PAL to a NSF player mode
Added Mapper 12
Changed internal surface drawing process
Changed it so that there is monochromatic/background color modification in a line unit
Changed an approach of interrupt handling
Changed it to set a PAL mode automatically when a file name includes »(E)«
Changed it so that a snapshot can make even PNG
Changed it so that there is a multiple selection in a launcher list
Changed it not to update a list after Folder setting of a launcher
Corrected fault of action at the time of focus movement
Corrected malfunction of triangle wave
Correct a mapper in various ways
Corrected the but that isn't saved after heading editor with a launcher
When choosing file on WAVE recording/tape operation/movie and extension is omitted, correct so that extension may be attatched
Corrected in other various ways
Snatch it at the Nintendo Emulators section!

Thanks to Icefox38 for the news!
Emulator Release: GEST v0.80
13:30: GEST, an excellent GameBoy/GBC emulator by TM has been updated to v0.80! This seems like a pretty big release as there's now added video filters and sound options, as well as compatibility updated, inculding preliminary support for Barcode Boy:

Reset automatically when user changes to another GB type
Added 'Halt on unknown opcode' option
Added 'soft reset' feature
Don't resize window unless changed to SGB mode
Fixed graphics trash in border when uploading border in many SGB games
Removed 'Force GBC' option as it isn't needed anymore
Added more GB Color options
Added some Barcode Boy emulation (WIP)
Added sound filters:
-Low pass filter
-Reverse stereo
-Volume select
Added video filters:
-Software 2x
-Scale 2x
Fixed problems in many games, see the whatsnew.txt for a complete list
Grab it at the GameBoy Emulators page!


Emulator News: Steem v2.61
8:09: Steem, an Atari ST emulator for Windows and Linux, has been updated to version 2.61. Here's what's new:

Bugs Fixed
Fixed extended features Windows 98 crash finally (thanks rb!)
Stopped crashing on complex 60Hz screens
Corrected extended monitor reset display
New Features
Close disk manager after insert, reset and run option
Australian keyboard language added
DEBUG: Added I/O address monitoring, write and read
You can find Steem and other Atari ST emulators in our Atari ST Emulators for Windows section. You can find the Linux port in our Atari ST Emulators for Linux section.
Emulator News: FakeNES v0.3.0
7:52: FakeNES, a NES emulator for many operating systems including Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, and MacOS X, has been updated to version 0.3.0. Here's what's new:

Miscellaneous changes
Infamous ROM load memory protection crash bug fix.
Overhauled CPU emulation core.
Added x86 assembly optimized CPU core components.
Fixed branch wrap detection bug.
Added CRC calculation for PRG ROM, CHR ROM, and ROM trainers.
Added support for CPU memory space patching (raw or Game Genie w/ GUI).
Added slow (half FPS) mode.
Corrected mirroring of uneven size ROMs.
Added save state support (may not work for all supported games).
Added automatic machine state saving accurate up to every frame.
Added support for replays (currently buggy).
Altered memory map for performance.
Added exit confirmation when ROM loaded.
Significant improvements to the timing system.
Configuration changes
Added configurable save state and Save RAM (SRAM) output path.
Configuration file and log file are now stored with the executable.
Changed Win32 configuration file to 'fakenesw.cfg'
Fixed several input configuration bugs.
Build system & code changes
Updated and added copyright messages.
USE_CONSOLE changed to ALLEGRO_USE_CONSOLE to solve compilation problems (Mac OS X).
Encapsulated datafile 'fakenes.dat' into build.
Replaced all references to `NULL' with `NIL' to avoid compiler conflicts.
Added object file suffixes to the build system (all platforms).
Changed binary installation location from '/usr/bin' to /'usr/local/bin' (POSIX)
Allegro compatibility fixes.
Cleaned-up, overhauled, and optimized most GUI-related code.
Added code to prevent registering conflicting digital directions in input.
Added ability to use `usleep' instead of `yield_timeslice' in speed throttling.
GUI changes
Repaired all key mappings.
Various GUI dialog enhancements and fixes.
Added GUI patch manager with Game Genie support only.
Added platform-specific video driver selection menus.
Added multiple message system and input chat capabilities.
Added input configuration dialog.
Fixed various bugs related to repeated initialization of the GUI.
Added GUI messages (log file) viewer.
Added GUI toggle for the 'swap_channels' configuration file setting.
Added GUI audio mixing speed selection menu.
Added fast (passive) automatic blitter selection.
Fixed default palette not being selected at startup.
Improved operation of Video > Palette menu items.
Video output changes
Added 15- and 16-bit color depth support.
Added 25% and 50% scanlines (currently very slow).
Added several new resolutions, including 512x480 (for windowed mode).
Added Super 2xSOE and Super 2xSCL anti-aliasing blitters.
Added simple interpolated blitter.
Fixed behavior of the 'last_blit_line' configuration file setting.
Added keys to adjust light (palette intensity) from inside the emulation.
PPU rendering changes
Minor optimizations to background rendering.
Memory mapper support changes
Cleaned up and extended IRQ interface.
Improved IRQ support in MMC3, MMC5, and Bandai mappers.
Fixed MMC5 IRQ generation (greatly improves many games).
Added MMC5 WRAM automatic size detection.
Minor corrections of MMC3 behavior when no CHR-ROM is present.
Audio rendering & output changes
Changed default sampling rate to 96 kHz and buffer length to 6
Wow. You can find FakeNES and other NES emulators in our NES Emulators for Windows section!


Site News: VIGASOCO v0.01
15:40: VIGASOCO stands for VIdeo GAmes SOurce COde and is going to »be a learning tool of the internal working of classic games«. Sounds a lot like MAME to me, but we'll see how this turns out.

Since this is the first version, everything is new. The only game it plays right now is Pacman.

You can get this emulator and the source code to it at our Multi Arcade Emulators page.

Site News: SSF v0.07 prototype R6
15:16: SSF is a fairly good (but slow) Saturn emulator that has recently been updated. You should give it a try if you want Saturn emulation. There's no list of what's new for this version.

You can download this version as well as an updated Italian translation and an 'improved English' translation (by me) from our Sega Saturn Emulators page.


Emulator Release: FlareStorm 2.0 for the Mac
13:13: A new version, and a total overhaul of the base code has been released for FlareStorm, the new up and coming PSX emulator exclusively for the Macintosh. This new version is only in Japanese, and has low compatibility. However, the emulator is stable, but unless you can read Japanese, you probably won't get too much milage out of this version just yet. An english version is due out in a week or two.

You can download this emulator from our Playstation Emulators for the Mac page.

Thanks to ßeaux for the news.


Site News: PSF Archive Grand Reopening!
4:30: The PSF and PSF2 files are back online! Many thanks to CaitSith2 for letting us redirect to his PSF mirror for the last couple of months. Since the last update of our own archive, a few more soundtracks have been released. Some of them fairly recently. Here's what's been added:

Playstation PSF/PSF2 Archive
7 New Soundtracks
Legend of Legaia
Persona 2
Phantasy Star Generation 1 (PSF2)
SaGa Frontier 2
Strikers 1945
Super Robot Wars Alpha
Vagrant Story
You can thank Neill Corlett, CaitSith2, zoopd, Orbb and someone42 for these new rips!

UPDATE: Unfortunately, only soundtracks less than 12 MB are available on ZD for now. No more email about it please!
Emulator News: StarRoms Opens
3:50: »StarROMs, Inc. has just launched a pay-per-download service for classic arcade ROM sets. These are what you need to make your emulator fun and legal. This aims to bring ROM collection & emulator use out of the semi-underground and turn it into profit, but will it fly? They currently have about 60 games, all from the various incarnations of Atari over the years, with more on the way. Prices range from about 2 to 6 dollars per game. And no, they don't have Marble Man

SlashDot Article

Check out StarROMs, Inc.
Thanks to Jeffrey »etumor« Allen for the heads up.


Emulator Release: KiGB v1.5.2 for the Mac
5:18: KiGB is a Nintendo Gameboy emulator for the Mac. This new version brings it in sync with the PC version released a few days ago. KiGB features detailed and accurate emulation, which brings with it excellent compatibility. Support for both Game Genie and Game Shark codes is included, as well as extremely high fidelity sound support. KiGB can even emulate the Super Gameboy. You can download this emulator from our GameBoy Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: THOM v1.5.0 for the Mac
5:15: THOM is an emulator of the Thomson 7. This is a new emulator that like its brothers only runs in OS X 10.2 or higher, but offers almost perfect emulaton. You can download this emulator from our Thomson 7 Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: TEO v1.7.1 for the Mac
5:12: TEO is a Thomson 8 emulator for the Mac. It only runs in OS X 10.2 but it features accurate emulation and full sound. Mouse and Light Pen emulation is included, along with support for Disk images, Tape images, Cartridges, and RAM Images. You can download this emulator from our Thomson 8 Emulators for the Mac page.

Emulator Release: fMSX v2.7.1 for the Mac
5:10: fMSX is, as the name suggests, an MSX emulator. This version includes accurate hardware emulation, including support for Disk, Cassette, and ROM images. Full sound emulation, including SCC support, is included. It will only run in OS X 10.2 or higher. You can download this emulator from our MSX Emulators for the Mac page.

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Denny 01.01.03 Manager
Sam Michaels 08.13.98 Owner and Coder
Jay Payne 05.10.02 ZD Archives, Free ROMs
Lillymon 05.20.02 General Maintainer
Nick 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Ryan 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Kevin Hughes 08.30.01 Macintosh Maintainer
Jason Zsiba 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Gavin 06.03.03 General Maintainer
Sivak 10.05.03 ZD Music Archives
Pipes 10.10.03 Links Maintainer
Daniel Porter 10.05.03 General Maintainer
Nomad 01.23.01 Guest Contributor

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